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Virtual Learning

Jeff Crady has a unique perspective surrounding NTI days or Non-traditional Instruction days. Crady has been an educator for many years, being considered one of most nicest teachers at Central.
Jeff Crady has a unique perspective surrounding NTI days or Non-traditional Instruction days. Crady has been an educator for many years, being considered one of most nicest teachers at Central.
Courtesy of Jeff Crady

When the snow came and iced the roads

like that kid in church

when his mama’s eyes’ froze him

mid whisper from the choir loft, 

We had school on the computer.


“Mr. Crady is nice for real, but he ugly

Like that old person kind of ugly”


Her mic wasn’t muted.


“Friend, I’m going to mute your mic, ok?”




I couldn’t even be mad because I 

know she’s right.

Scraggly beard.

Shades of all colors.

White hairs sprout like wild garlic

across my chin and sideburns. 


The bags under my eyes speak 

for themselves.

Dark circles like a pencil

smudged on paper.

Me and my dumb old hound dog

looking more alike each day–

Gravity wages war on my cheeks, gut, 

And jowls. 


So yeah, it’s ok. 

I’ve given my best years to you kids–

I’ll take nice even if I can’t be pretty.


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