JROTC Drill Team Finishes Season Undefeated in Dayton
The Central Hardin Bruin JROTC drill team is gathered outside of the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH. The team enjoyed visiting the museum as they relax and prepare for the drill competition the following day.
March 22, 2022
19 March, 2022 – Dayton, OH
The Central Hardin JROTC Drill Team finishes the season undefeated with a 60-0 record while capturing their 9th straight championship in Dayton, OH. Army programs from Michigan, Ohio, and Kentucky competed at the 23rd Annual Trotwood-Madison Drill Invitational. The Bruins placed 1st in 8 of 10 team events and 1st in 3 of 4 individual and dual events.
Bruin Commanders placing 1st in the Unarmed Division events were Reece Rhinehart -Platoon Drill; Jaden Gaven – Squad; Jill Willingham – Squad and Platoon Exhibition.
In Unarmed Knockout Tanner Maxwell placed 1st while Sam Sexton and Mikayla Sallee placed 3rd and 6th.
Bruin commanders placing 1st in the Armed Division events were Clayton Hockman -Platoon Inspection, Platoon Drill and Color Guard; Matthew Crum – Platoon Exhibition. The team of Xavier Wilson and Clayton Hockman placed 1st in the Dual Armed Exhibition while Matthew Crum won the Individual Armed Exhibition. In the Armed Knockout Collin Newman placed 8th followed by Jackson Houston in 9th.
The Bruin seniors Kristin Ferreras, Clayton Hockman, Emma Rishkofski, Sam Sexton, and Jill Willingham finish their high school regular season drill careers with a 224-1 record. The Bruins won all 4 drill competitions this year against schools from MI, IN, OH, KY and TN. The team won the North Bullitt Drill Meet, Hardin County Drill Cup (7 straight), SGM Paul Gray Memorial Championships (4 straight), and the Trotwood-Madison Drill Invitational (9 straight).