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Eight Inexpensive Ways to Express Your Love

Valentine's Day gifts displayed in Dollar General.
Valentine’s Day gifts displayed in Dollar General.
Syra Lundergan

Amongst the smells of construction and sewage, love is also in the air here at Central Hardin. After all, it is that time of year again: Valentine’s Day! For those of you who wish to get your significant other a special something and are struggling to do so, you’re in the right place.

Some of you may feel anxious or hesitant about the idea of gift-giving. As an avid gift-giver, the one guarantee I can make you is that sentimental value will earn you way more brownie points than any price value could ever amount to. From one lover to another, I bring forth eight inexpensive ways to express your love this February.

8. Thrift
Local thrift stores like Goodwill, Closet Encore, Hosparus, and even antique shops all house a multitude of knick knacks and keepsakes. While attempting to pick out clothing in the right size or style could be a hit or miss, mugs, books, vinyls, beanies, and bags are all safe, as well as cheap, options. The most important factor to this approach is having the intention of “I found this and it reminded me of you.” Thrift to your heart’s extent.


7. Playlist
Piggybacking off of #8, “I found this song and it reminded me of you,” is just as good, if not better. Decide on the theme, whether that be a set of tunes that provide a sense of love, serotonin, goosebumps, nostalgia, or all of the above. Sending someone a playlist is deliberately putting them in a mood you want them to have. Appeal to their taste while also keeping the blend diverse. If you’re looking to score a few bonus points, modify the cover photo of the playlist to display a “cutesy” photo, and niche name.


6. Handmade Bracelet
Bracelet patterns range from beginner to advanced levels and be as customizable as you would like. All you need is thread, scissors, and YouTube. After an hour or so, and a few hundred “four knots,” you have created their new favorite piece of jewelry. You can also take on the production of a beaded bracelet, spelling out words, or embodying a simple colorway. If you so choose to take my guidance, use Pinterest to your advantage, and construct a combination of both threads and beads.


5. Snacks!
Hit up your local Dollar General and grab a basket. Check off their favorite drinks, chips, chocolates, gummies, and you’ve got a solid snack bag. Take into consideration any allergies or sensitivities the recipient of your gift may have. Having trouble deciding what to get? Think back to what snack alway seems to be in their lunchbox, on their nightstand, or in their car. California-San Diego School of Medicine did prove that women respond more to romantic cues on fuller stomachs.


4. Framed Picture(s)
When it comes to printed images, it’s important to consider where the picture(s) will be displayed. A selfie that conveys only half of your faces or a picture with one of your backs turned may not be the most appealing option for a more permanent media form. Choose a photo that you know the gift recipient has previously commented on being fond of, and one that catches you each in good light. You can have digital images printed off at Walmart or Walgreens for as little as nine cents a picture.


3. Homemade Baked Goods
If you’ve never touched a hand mixer or oven controls a day in your life, this may not be your top pick. However, do not let that discourage you from indulging in a new hobby. Again, take into consideration any allergies or sensitivities the recipient of your gift may have. Cookies, brownies, and cake pops each have fairly simple recipes to follow, but if you’re looking for a challenge, pies, pastries, and breads are also on the table. Bake your way to their heart.


2. Handwritten Letters
There are a few methods to this tactic. The simplest way to express your love through the means of literature is to take the “(#) reasons why I love you” route. Be bold, unapologetic, and thoughtful. A similar, less gutsy, approach is to recognize a list of things your significant other does that go under recognized, but are in turn are very appreciated. Last, but certainly not least, make your special someone “open when…” cards. The idea is to have a few envelopes each containing letters corresponding to the title of the envelope (ex: open when you need a pick-me-up). Get creative with it!


1. Flowers
Roses are red, violets are blue, I want flowers for Valentine’s Day, and your bae does too.

Whether you spend Feb. 14 with loved ones or take a day for yourself, I wish you all a Valentine’s Day full of love and warmth.

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