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The Senior Times 2024

The Central Times "Senior Edition" prints from 2006, 2007, 2015, and 2017. (May 1)
The Central Times “Senior Edition” prints from 2006, 2007, 2015, and 2017. (May 1)
Syra Lundergan

Dear ‘24 Seniors,

Prior to our conversion from a paper publication to an online publication in 2018, The Central Times sold a special print dedicated to the senior class. This year, The Central Times staff wanted to reintroduce this tradition and publish an online article dedicated to YOU and your classmates. This is a chance to pay tribute to the past, show appreciation for the present, and look toward the future.

A google form was shared with you on the senior site, senior Instagram, and The Central Times Instagram, housing several opportunities to leave your mark on Central Hardin High School. Seniors, submit this form by May 10 to have your responses included in The Senior Times 2024. This article will be updated accordingly as responses come in up until May 10.

Please understand that The Central Times reserves the right to edit or not publish any responses that you might submit. Your name will be attached to your quotes.


HIGH SCHOOL MEMORIES — Do you have an interesting or funny memory from your high school experience? Share it here.

“There are too many memories I have made these past four years to pick just one to embody my high school experience. I have learned, loved, lost, and most importantly, grown as a young woman. As an athlete, the memories made with my teammates at events, track and cross country meets, and of course, the painful workouts at practice, taught me to value teamwork and hard work. As a student and involved member of various academic organizations, I have many memories of staying after school hours to contribute or work on an event or project for my peers. The satisfaction and pride that comes with completion and watching others appreciating your effort is unmatched. Newspaper Staff has taught me a bit of all these lifelong lessons, supporting my success as a writer and editor, and teaching me the ins and outs of what it means to manage, create, edit, and publish content publicly.” -Hanna Grass

“Senior Movie Night. Me and my friend Jeffery Mcmahan had just got done playing disc golf and then we were driving around listening to music super loud headed to the theaters. We couldn’t find a place to park so we parked in a random place.” -Cameron Durrance

“Sitting with freshmen at PowerHour during my senior year. (It’s not a super senior thing, my sister just has really cool friends.)” -Annalynn Hayes

Photo courtesy of Savina Serrano.

“The protest we had freshman year!” -Dominick Sipes

“No, but I got dress-coded for my scars that were healed.” -Elisha Poddam

“My friends and I went to a Central soccer game at Elizabethtown Sports Park and NO JOKE a guy literally went into the back of the field and peed in the trees where everyone could see and walked back like it was nothing.” -Brooklyn Suarez

Courtesy of Barrett Spell.

“My first pep-rally was with my friends and they tried to show me how to cheer for people and even say the CHHS song.” -Savina Serrano

“Prom. I didn’t want to go but I did and had fun, My best friend Caleb Hornback and I rode together.” -Barrett Spell

“One day my junior year, the brilliant Anna Hinkle decided it would be a good idea to take the AP Chem class outside for class because it was a nice day. However, it was very sunny and windy so Zach Townsend’s paper took flight and flew over the school building never to be seen again. Another senior at the time, Eline, a red head like myself, started to feel woosey and passed out in the heat. Goes to show that even smart people can have bad ideas.” -Cole Jefferies

“Mrs. Corley decided to tell me my senior year that she hit our trashcan leaving our subdivision. It broke her side mirror on her car.” -Tucker Walters


CONFESSIONS OF A GRADUATING SENIOR — This is your last chance to come clean. Is there anything you’d like to admit to someone? Share it here.

“I don’t understand why I still have to be here when I was accepted to college in august. After I was accepted it just felt like I was here for the attendance.” -Annalynn Hayes

“I only auditioned for the talent show to hopefully get back at someone that I didn’t like that I knew would be in it, but in the end, they made it in and I didn’t.” -Jaionna Greer

“Every time I take the attendance down for a sub I stop and talk to my favorite teachers to waste class time.” -Megan Puckett

“I got tazed by Ace Jaggers my sophomore year because I wanted to know what it felt like.”  -Cameron Durrance

“I lost the majority of my brain cells in Mrs. Doughtery’s classroom.” -Brooklyn Suarez

“I stole a stapler from a teacher during my sophomore year.” -Matthew Mills

“I may not have always stayed at work until 3:30 for co-op.” -Hanna Grass

“It’s David’s fault.” -Savina Serrano

“If I didn’t remember math equations for a test I would write them on my finger nails and erase them once I wrote it on the paper.” -Cole Jefferies


OFFICE ODDITIES — What’s your excuse for sitting in the hot seat? Share your most unusual reason for being sent to the office.

“I had an incident with a past partner and had to get Corley’s help with it. He said I should’ve kicked the guy in the balls. Those were some inspiring words Mr. Corley, hope this doesn’t get you fired.” -Brooklyn Suarez

“I went to the office and got sent to AIM because someone poured orange juice on me.” -Matthew Mills

“Getting searched even though I’m probably the last person that does any drugs.” -Cameron Durrance
“Nothing. I am bragging about my perfect behavior record.” -Annalynn Hayes

“Cause I worked in it.” -Dominick Sipes

“I got sent for leaving second block 30 seconds early.” -Barrett Spell

“I got sent to the office for showing my Cobra Kai skills in Mrs. Corleys class.” -Tucker Walters


SIX-WORD MEMOIRS — Sum up your high school adventure in six words.

“High Schools could be much better.” -Elisha Poddam

“I was troubled, then found Christ.” -Brooklyn Suarez

“College can’t beat these four years.” -Jaionna Greer

“Why is math so hard now?” -Annalynn Hayes

“But will it matter in 5 years?” -Kayla Hall

“It was not what I expected.” -Dominick Sipes

“High school was chaos but fun.” -Megan Puckett

“At least I’m not dead.” -Matthew Mills

“High school taught me to persevere.” -Hanna Grass

“Soul, laughter, youth; what a time.” -Alayna Edblom

“It was an absolutely pointless adventure.” -Barrett Spell

“A roller-coaster of ups and downs.” -Savina Serrano

“Four years of hardcore crying sessions.” -Adaya Duvall

“Graduation? Stop reminding me.” -Cole Jefferies

“CHHS, guide to the future.” -Tucker Walters

“It’s been cherished, but not idolized.” -Dawson Propes


FAMOUS LAST WORDS — This one is up to you. Leave your last impression behind with one or more of the following: your favorite quote; a thank-you to a friend, teacher, or family member; advice to underclassmen; etc.

“The best advice I can give to underclassmen is to put yourself out there, Push your comfort zones and take every opportunity you can.” -Megan Puckett

“The people of Central Hardin are really what made my high school experience so memorable. The teachers, advisors, and of course my fellow classmates are what formed the core memories and taught the lessons that will stick with me for the rest of my life. I want to thank Mr. Brandon Mudd, Ms. April York, Mr. James Sisk, Mr. Jared Eaton, Mrs. Kayla Ernst, and Ms. Susan Sherrard for playing vital roles in shaping me into the young woman I am writing this. You all have tested me, academically and emotionally, and offered advice and support when stress and anxiety was running rampant. You are living proof that life goes on even during the hardest days and that there will always be joyous moments in the future so long as you hold out hope. Thank you for believing in me when I couldn’t have faith in myself, I admire you more than words can describe.” -Hanna Grass

“For the underclassmen who may be reading this, I just want to say that you don’t need to follow a crowd. I was a really terrible kid, I was doing a lot of the stuff no child should ever be doing. But I found God and I’m a completely different person. I just want to say if you’re lost, Jesus will leave the 99 to find you. He’s worthy, trust me. He’s fighting for you.” -Brooklyn Suarez

“It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change” by Alice from Alice in Wonderland describes how I’ve felt about high school these past four years. But once I graduate, I’ll only be able to quote Panic! At The Disco, because all I’ll be able to say is ‘Hey Look Ma, I Made It.” -Jaionna Greer

“The f*** is one day? When is that? If you don’t chase your dreams now you’re going to die with them.’ Ludwig Ahgren” -Matthew Mills

“Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.’ Truman Burbank” -Alayna Edblom

“My favorite quote: ‘What’s better than a devil you don’t know? A devil you do.’ Because I am a huge nerd.” -Annalynn Hayes

“I graduated with all A’s and did better than half the people that made fun of me.” -Elisha Poddam

“Spend your time here wisely. Senior year goes by fast so don’t blink.” -Cameron Durrance

“Honaker is the best teacher.” -Dominick Sipes

“Thank you Mrs. Batistoni of Central Hardin and Mr. Steven Rogers of EC3 for always helping me through tough times and always cheering me on. Quote: King Baldwin IV ‘A King may move a man, A father may claim a son, but remember that even those who move be Kings, or men of power, your soul is in your keeping alone.” -Barrett Spell

Photo courtesy of Adaya Duvall.

“The last words I want to say are, I’m glad I met you Matthew Stevens.” -Adaya Duvall

“Never be a victim or a witness in someone else’s story.” -Savina Serrano

“Life is pain, anyone who says differently is trying to sell you something. –Princess Bride” -Cole Jefferies

“Start what you finish and leave nothing behind.” -Tucker Walters

“As with anything partaken in life, there will always be failures alongside it. But the mark of someone who overcomes those failures doesn’t look at them as obstacles; they look at them as opportunities to grow.” -Dawson Propes


WILLS — Have anything special you want to leave to an underclassman or faculty member? Have at it.

“I, Brooklyn Suarez, do hereby bequeath befriending juniors to Selest Sutton and Lilliana Williams. Be their sugar momma and a 24-hour bank account. Burping in their face is permitted.”

Photo courtesy of Tucker Walters.

“I Dominick Sipes, do hereby bestow my senior spokesperson title for the archery team to Gabi McCormick.”

“I, Cole Jeffries do hereby entrust the title of most awesome sauce to…. wait a minute. What am I talking about, it’ll still be me!”

“I, Tucker Walters, do hereby bequeath/pass on/bestow/entrust my sense of humor to Carson Lamothe.”

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