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13 Reasons Why You Matter

Recognizing Suicide Prevention Month
13 Reasons Why You Matter

As we all know, life can be stressful. Unexpected tragedies can drop out of nowhere, anxious thoughts may creep into your mind, and the things people may say about you can leave you so worn out that you might’ve finally come to the hard realization that, wow, life can be hard. For those of us who are teenagers, having things like this happen to us all while trying to navigate through our next chapter in life can make life even more overwhelming. However, regardless of  the way you feel, felt, or possibly will feel… you need to anchor yourself in this one unchangeable truth: Your life matters. Here are some reasons to support that.

      1. You Are Loved 

You may hear this all the time or rarely hear it at all, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s true. There are so many people inside this building alone who love and care about you, a lot more than you think. I for one, am not ashamed to say to whoever is reading this, that yes, I do love you. I don’t have to know you personally to say that. I love you and encourage whoever is reading to forget what others have said and dismiss the lies in your head you may have believed: You’re so loved, capable, and worthy. Always remember that, wherever you are. 

      2. You Have Purpose

Every person is created on purpose. I feel like society has made the whole idea of “finding your purpose” such a crushing responsibility or weight. The reality is, however, that it’s not. You don’t need to “find your purpose” at all. Now this doesn’t mean you can’t pursue the things you love nor is this downplaying your passions and reason to put forth effort in activities. However, what I’m trying to say is that your identity is not based on those things. Your purpose shouldn’t be identified by the career you find or goals you achieve in life. Rather, I would argue that the simple fact that you have breath proves that you are made on purpose and should be here on earth. 

     3. You Are Heard

This can be hard to believe if everyone around you fails to understand you. If it seems like everyone around you doesn’t care about your situation, or feels like nobody knows the things you face. Although not everyone in the building can relate to certain situations to an extent, that doesn’t mean, however, that your voice is not or cannot be heard. Millions of people hear you. I hear you. God hears you. Know that you can be heard and you are supported by many. 

     4. You Are Not Alone

Even if you aren’t trying to be heard, you are still silently understood by those around you. We all have our bad days, regardless if it looks like it or not. Perhaps the girl across the room had a rough morning too, or the boy sitting next to you also is going through mental health struggles. You need to know that there’s people who have gone through or are going through the same things you may face in life. Because of this, the same people who’ve been delivered from their struggles are here to encourage you, build you up, and be there for you. You have a community around you that cares. 

     5. You Are Valued 

Now, I am not trying to minimize the things you’ve been through. I don’t know what happens to people inside or outside this building to know why some may feel like they’re not valued by people, and it irks me to imagine the scenarios. However, despite the way people may have treated you, you are valued so much by God. That’s what matters most. 

     6. You Are Wonderfully Made

I know many people struggle with insecurity surrounding the way they look. We do things like changing things about ourselves in hopes to fit in or fill that hole inside of us. But I’ve learned that changing your appearance to fit into the mold of what our culture says will not make you “happier” or even satisfied. You should know that ever since you were born, you’ve been beautiful and perfectly made – just the way you are. Don’t let the people around you or opinions of the world tell you otherwise. 

     7. You Can Have Comfort 

Everyone finds comfort in something. Whether that’s through taking a walk outside, watching your favorite movies, or spending time with loved ones. Comfort is always available, but sometimes we can find comfort in the wrong things. We need to be aware of this; however, it’s still good to know that you can be temporarily relieved in your circumstance. I’ve found that the best thing I’ve ever come to find comfort in is the peace and help that comes by God: I believe this comfort is better than anything more this world can give me. 

     8. You Are Not Defined By Your Mistakes 

I know a lot of people believe that they don’t matter because of the things they’ve done in the past. I, for one, struggled with this for the longest time. Having your worst regrets and feeling guilty can be overwhelming, but the truth is that these things don’t need to define you. Not only are there so many other things that make up who you are, but there is also this hope: You can be graciously forgiven by Jesus for anything you’ve done. Know that you are more than your mistakes. Get up, turn around, and keep going. 

     9. You Can Receive Grace

This kind of relates to the one above. The biblical definition of grace is something undeserved favor that is given freely. I can understand how some departed from the idea of growing in grace with one another, but thankfully it can still be granted to us by anyone who chooses and by God. I hope you know you can receive grace and rest in that comfort. 

     10. You Are Unique

There’s only one you. You have many hobbies, likings, and outstanding capabilities that make up who you are. Instead of hiding the things that make you different (features, distinctive abilities, etc.), be proud of them! You have them for a reason! Know that you’re unique in an incredible way. 

     11. You Are Capable

I know I’ve doubted myself too many times I could count. Self-doubt caused me to restrict myself from getting out of my comfort zone or trying new things. However, these doubts were only lies. You should know that you’re capable of anything you put your mind to. With that being said, I encourage you to root your capabilities in doing good and run after the goals you have set for yourself. 

     12. You Are Growing

Everyday is an opportunity to grow. Don’t let your worst days define who you are today. You should know that your mistakes can make you stronger and that you can overcome them. Self-growth is a process, so never give up on trying. I have faith in the things you can do and know that you can grow into a greater person than you could ever imagine. 

     13. God Says You Do

This is the reason that I would argue is the most important. The one and only true God knows that you matter and fully knows your value. In fact, all the reasons I listed support what God says about you in His Word (the Bible). God loves you so much that He sent Christ to die for you, while you were still in sin (Romans 5:8). He created you on purpose and had you in mind before he laid the foundations of the Earth (Ephesians 4:1). He hears your voice when you call out to Him (Psalms 34:17). He will never leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). He values you so much that He knows each hairs on your head (Luke 12:7). He made you wonderfully and beautifully (Psalms 139:14). He is there to comfort you in times of trouble (Psalms 34:18). He doesn’t define you by your mistakes by not counting your sins against you when you ask for forgiveness (Psalms 103:12). He is ready to clothe you with His grace (Romans 5:20-21). He says you’re unique by referring to You as His prized possession (Ephesians 2:10). He believes in your capability by setting out good plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). He doesn’t want you to dwell in the past, but instead grow in Him (Isaiah 43:18). All of these reasons and so much more prove how much you matter. 


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