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Why, Mom and Dad, Why? A Tribute for Students With Divorced Parents

The 300-word Story is a Central Times feature that captures the emotion involved in a specific experience that may be familiar to our readers.
Why, Mom and Dad, Why? A Tribute for Students With Divorced Parents

Why Mom and Dad, Why?

This thought lived in Nora’s mind ever since her parents filed for divorce. She told herself she had no bitterness or resentment towards them, yet deep down there was still hurt dwelling within her soul. 

One dark windy night, Nora couldn’t sleep so she took refuge in her journal. She picked up her new pen with fresh ink and took a trip down to memory lane. Her mind went back to when she was young, and when she blew out the candles on her first birthday cake. She then thought about the time when she finally learned how to ride her pink and sparkly bicycle without any training wheels. Oh! And let’s not forget the time when – Nora stopped. Her face became warm and thick tears began to distort her sight. She realized that in each and every one of her most precious and valuable memories, her parents were with her. How can I get through something like this if I’m always reminded of it?  

Nora wiped her salty tears from her face and attempted to dry off the wet pages in her journal she cried on. She sat up properly and remembered what she was going to do. Write. Writing was one of Nora’s many passions and that night she decided to use it as a way to cope. At first, she wanted to lash out on her paper by furiously jotting down all of the raw and angry emotions built within her. But, strangely enough, something told her not to. Okay, let’s slow down. Nora thought. All this rage isn’t healthy. Could all of this anger withhold me from becoming the best version of myself? After thinking it through, Nora felt directed to write this:

Mom and Dad, 

While I may never understand the choices you made during your marriage nor the decisions made that led up to the divorce, I do understand this: You are human. You have made mistakes and you will probably make more, and that’s okay. I will not let your actions define my own. I want to grow to be a better person, and one of the best ways to do that is forgive you both. Bitterness is something that I won’t let take root within my heart. No, I’d rather let peace and patience cultivate it instead.


As Nora went to bed that night, a new thought entered her mind: You’re not perfect, Mom and Dad, but I won’t let that change the love I have for you both.

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