A Year’s Worth of Change
How Will Students Feel Facing the Challenge of Five Days a Week?
Biology teacher, Leslie Keiper’s room reorganized to fit social distancing standards for for full student body instruction beginning on Apr. 12. Mar. 18, 2021
April 2, 2021
There is no doubt that teens change during their four years of high school. These crucial years of their lives form them into young members of society and prepare them for the beginning of adulthood.
Throughout the course of this last year, though, students have shared the experience of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted more challenges and changes than many high schoolers had ever faced before.
Despite this shared experience among the population, every person has faced unique events and have completely different stories to share.
On March 19, The Central Times staff released a survey to the student body to learn more about how young people in our school have changed and what they’ve learned while living through a global crisis.
Freshman Kayla White shares how she has changed mentally during the last year. “I definitely changed my outlook on the world, and have educated myself on any big issues that came around in 2020-2021.”
White is not the only student who feels they have a different outlook on the world around them. Junior Devin Owens shared a simple yet eye opening quote through his survey answers by saying, “I’ve mentally matured after realizing that tomorrow isn’t promised.”
Other students also share how their outward appearance and interests have changed over the course of the pandemic.
“My style has improved tremendously,” Carlee Price, a Junior, said.
Sophomore Ava Robinson shared, “I’ve gotten into new things I never thought I would do.”
Despite all of the great things some students have experienced, many students additionally shared that this time hasn’t been easy for them.
“Isolation has really taken a toll on me,” sophomore Peyton Mauk said.
Many other anonymous participants shared similar feelings to that of Mauk.
“My mental health has definitely worsened and it’s hard to find motivation to do school work,” an unnamed senior shared.
Not only has it been a challenge for students to complete their school work, but nearly 40% the survey participants shared that they felt coming back to school five days a week would be a challenge.
“I think it will just stress me out more,” says an anonymous senior.
Despite the current bad feeling about the new schedule, 17% of participants shared that they felt coming back to school everyday would be what’s best for them.
“It’s not going to be the same but it might be nice to get back to some sense of normalcy,” an anonymous sophomore said.
Though the two arguments seem very compelling, 32% of people share that they’re not sure how they will feel once we return, and 13% of people share that they feel things will be the same as they were.
Check our Instagram and Facebook pages for a collection of quotes from students and teachers.
The Central Times Staff plans on following up with a survey the week of April 19th to give students the chance to share their feelings about the new schedule. We want your input.
sienna • May 4, 2021 at 1:58 pm
This really shows me how much schools have changed. I’ve been OLA since we first released classes last March, so I haven’t been to the building for a single time so thinking about how it could affect students who did return to school never really came across my mind. I never realized how much the usual pattern of school changed.
sonny • Apr 16, 2021 at 2:59 pm
I think everyone has gotten some sort of impact due to what we experienced through the past year. And it has helped some people for the better and also for worse.
sonny • Apr 16, 2021 at 2:56 pm
I also think that this year has changed all of us in one way or another.
Thor Newsome • Apr 16, 2021 at 10:01 am
The pandemic really has taken a toll on all aspects of life. It changed how many of us viewed the world and made us realize how fast everything can change at a moment’s notice.
Jessica E Moore • Apr 15, 2021 at 10:20 am
Like many others, my mental health has been affected greatly by the pandemic and the changes it brought.
Justin Burrous • Apr 15, 2021 at 9:20 am
It’s crazy to think that school may never be the way it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. Future Central Hardin students might never experience the joys of power hour. I am so thankful that we were able to at least have our freshman and sophomore years of high school the way they were!