How Early Should You Put Up Your Christmas Tree?
The Debate of the Season
December 15, 2022
It’s finally that time of year when students count down the days until break, teachers rush to put in grades, and mothers panic about shopping. Ah, yes, it is finally the season of Christmas. The time of the year that is anticipated by everyone.
With the coming of this jolly season, emerge many wonderful events and activities to participate in. It’s the time to spend with friends and family, bake Christmas cookies, Christmas shop, gift wrap, and of course, decorate.
All of the towns, homes, schools and other buildings are decorated with all kinds of Christmas cheer inside and out. A Christmas tree can be seen in just about every window you pass by. There’s no doubt that everyone has been preparing for the big day.
However, some families already had their Christmas trees accompanying their Thanksgiving dinner, while others may have not even started pulling their trees out of storage yet. This leads to the big question, how early should you put up your Christmas tree?
This tends to be a pretty big debate throughout the winter season, almost as big as the debate on when Christmas music is eligible to listen to. With that being said, 153 students around Central have voted on just what they think is the best time to put up a Christmas tree, and whether it matters at all.
The first set of responses was directed to when students usually put up their Christmas trees. About 78% of students said they set up their tree between Thanksgiving and Christmas. 11% of students said that they set up their tree between Halloween and Thanksgiving. The rest of the small percentage said that they have a little bit different of a schedule and do it just a few days before Christmas day, and a couple even said they don’t put up a tree at all.
These are some rather common responses that make sense. Most families usually do put their trees up sometime after Thanksgiving, but some like to start Christmas earlier too. It’s a little shocking that some put their trees up so late, however, and some none at all. As long as they enjoy themselves on Christmas, though, then that’s all that matters.
When asked how early is “too early” to put up a Christmas tree, the responses were more repetitive. Many students said before Halloween or Thanksgiving, which is probably what most people would agree with. Others said that it doesn’t matter and that people should fill their homes with Christmas cheer whenever they’d like.
The final question to this little debate gained a response that was surprisingly evenly split. When asked if it really matters when you put up your Christmas tree, 46.7% of students answered no, and 46.1% of students answered yes. The in-between students all shared that people can do whatever they’d like during Christmas and that it isn’t a big deal. This seems to wrap the debate up in a big bow and throw it under its own tree. It truly is up to the people.
All and all, Christmas is a joyous holiday full of warmth, smiles, and happiness. Whether people decide to start early or late with their decorating, shouldn’t matter. As long as everyone enjoys their holiday with loved ones around their Christmas tree, then the spirit of Christmas has been fulfilled.
Caden • Dec 16, 2022 at 10:11 am
Quite frankly, the only correct time to put up a Christmas tree is right after Halloween. That’s when the stores start.