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Snow Day Slow Day? What To Do With Your Time During Snow Days

Senior Brooklyn Suarez captures the snow in her neighborhood Monday Morning.
Senior Brooklyn Suarez captures the snow in her neighborhood Monday Morning.
Brooklyn Suarez

Have you found yourself tired of scrolling through your phone or binge watching movies? Maybe you’ve been napping throughout the day or been scouting your clock like an eagle to see how many hours went by. Of course, those who can drive can always go out during these times, however, those who may have icy roads or who can’t manage to get out of the house every day may be very bored right now. If you find yourself in either of these groups, here are 10 ideas of things you can do with your time while you may be stuck at home during a snow day. 

  1. Go Sledding

Okay this one may seem typical, but truly there’s something different about gliding down a hill during these snowy days. Some may think they’re too old for sledding, but I think you’re never too old to make memories and have a little fun every once in a while. Don’t have a fancy sled? No worries. Grab an old cardboard box, break it down, and use that! Trust me, it will be worth it. 

     2. Get to Cleaning

Whether it’s your room, closet, bathroom, etc. There’s gotta be at least something in your household that can be cleaned. Although you may have heard this countless times from your parents already, cleaning really does help you be more productive and keeps you moving. If you don’t need to clean anything, try to find something to organize! Cleaning and organizing gives one a sense of accomplishment and I hear it helps relieve stress as well. Therefore, go turn up your favorite music or find a podcast to listen to and get to work!

     3. Try Snow Painting

This may be different for some. I’m sure we’re all familiar with having snowball fights, building snowmen, and making snow angels… but snow painting? Honestly, if you’re not sure what it is, the name pretty much gives it away. It appears kids nowadays find clean snow to paint on with paint brushes to make artwork with. Different, yes, but cute. If you have some leftover paint somewhere in your home and run out of canvas or something, then try going outside and release your creativity out on the snow.

Sofia Williams (7th grade) enjoys time outdoors on a recent snow day. Sledding is a popular pastime for many in the area.  (Lily Williams)

     4. Play a Board Game

Board games will always be my go-to when I’m stuck at home. There are so many options to choose from, and with that, so many different ways to win and have some fun. Whether it’s a game of strategy or just a game of chance, games never fail to leave a smile on my face. So, for all my competitive people out there, get your family members to compete with and enjoy a family game night!

     5. Catch Up on School Work

Definitely not the first thing to think about while having a snow day, but to all who may have missing assignments, things they need to study for, or have assignments that should’ve been completed already but have been pushed for later — then maybe it’s best to work on those things during these times. Even if you don’t have something to catch up on while on a snow day, you can always get ahead on some things. It’s best to stay alert and keep our brains working to prevent forgetting what we learned or deadlines due when we come back. 

     6. Create a Vlog

I don’t know about you, but I don’t remember the last time when I had this many snow days in a row. With creating vlogs, you can document many moments like this on your camera and always look back on these memories later in the future. You don’t have to post your videos online or have the latest camera. Vlogs are super easy and super efficient for anyone to make, therefore, I recommend everyone to try creating one. 

     7. Just Dance

Have the game? Great! Don’t have the game? Go look up some Just Dance videos on Youtube and follow those! Perhaps this one may be biased as I grew up with this game as a child, but I’ve always loved going against my friends and family fighting for the crown and seeing who truly is the dance champion. Just Dance is also a great way to get your body moving and burn some calories, so all I’m saying is try to get out of your comfort zone and play the game! Hopefully you’ll love it as much as I do. 

     8. Learn How to Cook

As high schoolers, we’re all approaching that age where we all really need to know how to cook for ourselves if we don’t know how to already. If not, we may be in trouble for the future. Since you may have been at home for a while during these snow days, what’s the best time to learn rather than right now? If you’re not sure how to learn or where to start, try looking up easy recipes on Pinterest or get on Youtube for some advice. Everything is so accessible now, so we are really left with no excuse! 

     9. Build a Fort

Perhaps this may be for those who have younger siblings, but I for one love building forts with my younger sisters at night and watching a movie together. Doing this on snow days is even better, as you could get some warm hot chocolate or coffee to go along with your warm and cozy fort. All it takes to make them is pillows, blankets, chairs, and a mind full of imagination. 

     10. Try Writing Something

It’s so easy nowadays to just text or call a friend or family member. However, writing a letter to someone makes it more meaningful than just a simple text. If you haven’t reached out to someone you know or care for, I suggest writing them a letter expressing to them your gratitude and appreciation for them. Not only will this help your writing skills, but also will help make someone’s day a lot brighter.

If letters are not your thing, then you could always try writing something for The Central Times. In this way, you can share your thoughts with your fellow students and community here at Central Hardin. Don’t be afraid to submit something under the Opinion tab! The Central Times staff loves to hear your thoughts and would love to give you an opportunity to share your voice with a greater audience. 

With all that being said, I hope you at least found something new you can do with your time now if you’ve been bored during these past few snow days. Hopefully you’re enjoying this time off and looking forward to coming back to school whenever that may be!

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