The Central Times

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    anonymousMar 30, 2024 at 12:38 am

    Great job. I would like to add that Kate Cox, a Texas woman with a life-threatening pregnancy, was forced to leave the state to abort a child that had a small chance of surviving. Samantha Casiano was forced to deliver a baby that died hours later. Amanda Zurawski went into septic shock after being refused an abortion. Lauren Miller had to travel across state lines to save her own life. A woman might die before these nuance-lacking abortion laws are fixed.

    Also, I was surprised to see that there was no mentioning of how often unsafe, illegal abortions happen when safe abortions are banned.

    If I’m being nitpicky, the aforementioned topics should have been included in this piece because they are easier to digest than the murky, abstract concept of bodily autonomy, which people have hotly debated for decades and made no progress in doing so.

    This article is carefully crafted, however, I don’t think a quote from an Instagram post or a statistic from the notoriously left-leaning Guardian (I would have gone for AP news, which prides itself on being unbiased) will convince the other side of the pro-choice cause. One must always consider the opposing viewpoints when persuading, and the Central Times’ political articles would be even more impressive if they were looked over by multiple dissenters before publication.

    Overall, this article was a really brave venture into the most sensitive topic in our time, and I’m eager to see what response it receives. I hope the Central Times continues to write political articles if that is what the students want, but all of those pieces need special care, either at the level of detail of this one or even more. As with all of the contentious topics of our time, I try to stay as informed and compassionate as possible. Again, great job.
