Will the real patriots please stand up?


Dailey Harris

According to the U.S Census Bureau, in 2017, there was a recorded total population of 4,454,189 in Kentucky, with about 3.7% citizens documented as Hispanic or Latino. In our school alone, just over 4% of our students are Hispanic or Latino.

Every year through Sep. and Oct., the Spanish Club host a Hispanic Heritage Week, when students can participate in various activities to show appreciation to not only Hispanics around the country, but in our school.

A problem arises every year during Hispanic Heritage week when students complain about the recitation of the pledge in Spanish. Since I am now President of the Spanish Club, I believe that this issue needs to be addressed, no matter the backlash.

“Yo prometo lealtad a la bandera de los estados Unidos de America, y a la Republica que representa, una Nacion, ante Dios, indivisble, con libertad y justicia para todos.”

The translation says, “I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

In this translation, there is nothing said about pledging your allegiance to another country. This version is the American Pledge, which is used by those who speak Spanish, to appreciate the culture. The American Pledge can be in any language, and it will not lose its meaning.

The main reason why the pledge loses its meaning is when students and teachers choose to sit down, just because it is in a different language. Through this action, there is virtually no respect for not only the pledge but for the people that speak the other language. The real American Patriot is not only defined by the English version of the pledge, but by every language.

It should be appreciated by the American people that someone is willing to learn the American Pledge in their language in order to represent their love for this country. We need to look outside the thin box of Hardin County and see the melting pot of cultures. Rather than choosing to sit down, why don’t you stand up and show your appreciation for other cultures in America?

“J´engage ma fidelité au drapeau des États-Unis d´Amérique et à la République qu’il répresente, une nation sous Dieu, indivisible, avec liberté et justice pour tous.” – French

” Ich gelobe Treue auf die Fahne der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, auf die Republik, die eine Nation unter Gott ist, vereinigt durch Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit fur alle.”- German

忠誠を誓います- Japanese