Senior trip second payment due today

Alissa Briscoe, Staff

The senior trip is coming soon! This year, seniors who plan to go on the senior trip are going Chicago, IL, and Columbus, OH. The next payment of $150 is due today. Principal Tim Isaacs and senior sponsor Becky Rawlings have planned an eventful three days for seniors this year, starting in Chicago and ending in Columbus.

In Chicago, the students will first go to the Museum of Industry and Science. Then they will have lunch at the Navy Pier and a boat tour before going to walk around Millennium Park. Students will then eat authentic Chicago pizza before heading to a White Sox game.

Instead of going back to the hotel that night, though, after the game, they will leave for Ohio. It will be a five-hour drive before getting to the hotel. Everyone will get the chance to sleep before heading out for a fun and wild day at Cedar Point Amusement Park.

On the final day, everyone is going to the zoo. It will be a fun, animal-filled three hours. Lunch will be at the zoo and departure is at 12:00, then back home it is.

If you still want to go, see Mrs. Rawlings in the library to be put on a waiting list as soon as possible. According to Rawlings, most people who are placed on the waiting list end up being able to go due to cancellations from other seniors.