PowerHour: The Information Everybody Needs

September 1, 2022
Some would say PowerHour is a precious gift Central Hardin students receive during the school day, and others would call it a social event, but it’s obvious the student body can all agree that it benefits everyone in a unique and different way.
PowerHour is from 12:01-1:01, immediately after third block, and has returned after a three-year hiatus.
The principles behind PowerHour are to instill a sense of ownership, time for school clubs and organizations, seek remediation, and accomplish to-do list tasks, which overall create positive personal learning. It allows students to take hold of their time and education.
Central Hardin hasn’t had the privilege of PowerHour due to COVID and other obstacles since the 2019 school year and it’s exciting, yet new to see the return of this opportunity.
“It’s like we are teaching it all over again,” principal Tim Issacs said. It’s like day one, it’s going to take us with being consistent and firm on making this successful.”
The administration at Central believes it’s important to give access to this time so students can control their own journey. PowerHour only works if students utilize it for its intended use.
“We’re learning, everybody is learning,” assistant principal Chase Cruse said. “I expect everyone to be respectful, to be where they are supposed to be and to follow directions.”
As the student body starts to get into their PowerHour “routine”, it’s fundamental that people stay on task and follow the expectations placed on them or students could risk losing this privilege.
With this new addition to the school day that differs from FLEX, new factors are also added to the mix. One new inclusion to PowerHour is the “PowerHour Schedule” located on your personal student internal page, which you can find at bit.ly/chbruins. This new PowerHour schedule allows you to see when teachers are open, focused, closed, or holding club meetings.
Another new advancement to PowerHour is the sign-in process in every class.
“We as a school have a responsibility to at least know somewhat where students are at any given point or time,” assistant principal Dan Corley said.
Although some of these new rules and inclusions may not seem to be a huge deal, they add organization and take stress off the staff at Central.
It’s important that the administration and teachers are less stressed during PowerHour so they can focus on one-on-one time, lunch, or just connecting with students.
The senior class of 2023 are the only students who have experienced PowerHour that are in the school now. Some seniors who thought their advice would be helpful shared their guidance on do’s and don’ts.
“Find a group of people and teachers that you can count on during PowerHour,” senior Kayleigh Thomas said “I missed eating lunch whenever and wherever I wanted with those people.”
Thomas found PowerHour helpful for creating strong bonds and eating lunch based on her schedule with peers and teachers. Especially with her fellow FFA members and Ag teacher Jayna Thompson.
As some of you may have noticed, the lunch lines can become pretty packed – some people go crazy for those Bosco Sticks. With that being said, it’s key you find your sweet spot on when to get lunch.
“The best time to get lunch is after the first thirty minutes,” senior Alex Nelson said, while senior Ryan Tribus nodded in agreement. “I would say don’t put a chicken sandwich in the ceiling,” said Tribus
Being straightforward, listen to Nelson and Tribus, eat your lunch like you normally would, and pick up after yourself. The staff at Central is not there to clean up your mess, the teachers who allow you to eat in their classrooms expect you to be respectful and clean up when you do eat.
Whether you eat, accomplish school work, or socialize, obey and use thoughtfulness of the teachers and the school for the duration of this time.
Now all this information can be a lot for just one hour during the school day, but most of it is common sense and most of it is essential that the student body follow all the rules and use PowerHour as it is intended.
Grab hold of your education and take advantage of PowerHour.